Welcome to Pulse! This is your guide to install it on PC with a Windows operating system. We’ll be taking you through the installation step by step to make it as easy as possible.
For questions about what Pulse is/how it works please see our FAQ here.
Installation Guide
After confirming the email address that you have on your YouGov account within the survey you'll receive an email titled "Your YouGov Pulse Installation Link" this will come from info@pulse.yougov.com. In this email you will find your installation link. The link will be unique to you and your future Pulse app.
If you can't find this email you can go back to the survey where you will see "Please install the YouGov Pulse App using this install URL on all your devices."
Now that you know where to find your link let's begin the step by step guide!
1. Click on "Install link" in the email or "install URL" in the survey to start downloading the software. The download should appear at the bottom of your browser. Click the small arrow for options and either select "Open" or "Run" (depending on your browser, this might look slightly different).
If this doesn't work (for example, you receive an error that the app has been blocked by your system) then select "Show in Folder". You should see it like this within the folder:
Drag the file to your desktop and the file should then look like this:
It will now open and you can move on to the next step.
2. The Pulse program will now be open as a white box on your screen with a logo and "Welcome to Pulse". Click on Next at the bottom right corner to move forward to the next step.
3. You will now get to select the install destination, i.e where you wish to have the program installed on your computer. We recommend installing it to the preset destination, but if you wish to install it somewhere else click on "Browse" to choose a different folder.
Once you've chosen where to install the Pulse program click on Install at the bottom right corner.
4. When starting the installation the User Account Control will kick in with the question of if you want to allow this app to make changes to your computer (depending on your computer settings you may not receive this and you can move on to step 5). If prompted click "Yes" and you'll be able to move forward with the installation.
5. The Pulse program will now be installing and you'll automatically get to a page where you will need to sign in. This means you will have to enter the email address that you used for your YouGov account and confirmed in the survey. Click Sign in to continue.
6. It's time to look at the terms & conditions and privacy policy (click on the other tab for that one)! We know it's everyone's favourite part so make sure you read them and then hit Accept once you're ready.
7. It's now time to install the browser extensions for the Pulse program to work. Only Chrome and Firefox are supported browsers for Pulse which means you'll need to use one of these two to participate! Just click on Next when you're ready to start.
8. We'll start by installing the Chrome extension (if you only wish to use Firefox please click Next two times and skip to step 10 in this guide).
Please click Next to open Chrome at the installation page.
Now you should be in the Chrome web store. It should look like this:
Click on "Add to Chrome" and you should get another pop-up asking for your consent.
Click on "Add extension". Once you've done that you get a notification bubble in the corner saying "YouGov Pulse has been added to Chrome".
9. Go back to the Pulse installation again. It should be in your taskbar. In the "Setup Guide" install Chrome extension should now be greyed out.
Click on Next to continue.
10. Now we will be installing the Firefox extension. Please click Next to open Firefox at the installation page (if you only wish to use Chrome please continue to step 11).
Now, this should have automatically opened Firefox browser extension. It should look like this:
Click on "Continue to Installation". It will install quickly and then a new bubble will come up asking "Add YouGov Pulse?". Select "Add".
Once you've done that you get a notification bubble in the right corner saying "YouGov Pulse has been added to Firefox". Hit "Okay, Got It" and you're all set with your Firefox extension.
11. Go back to the Pulse installation again. It should be in your taskbar. In the "Setup Guide" install Chrome extension and install Firefox extension should now be greyed out.
Click on Next.
12. Congratulations! You’ve finished the installation of YouGov Pulse.
The only thing you need to do now is keeping it running to earn your points!
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