Pulse Desktop uninstall guides - Browser extension

Uninstall Pulse browser extension

We are updating YouGov Pulse.

If you are a Firefox user, you must uninstall and reinstall the Pulse browser extension in order to access the updated version and keep earning points. This article will show you two different ways to uninstall your browser extension, depending on your version of Firefox.

Chrome and Safari users do not need to go through this process to use the updated version of Pulse.

Firefox browser

Method 1

1. Go to the Extensions page in your Firefox browser.


   2. Click on the three dots on the right-hand side of the page, next to the YouGov Pulse extension.


  3. Select “Remove” from the drop-down menu.


  4. Confirm that you want to remove YouGov Pulse when the prompt appears.



Method 2

1. Go to the “Extensions” tab in your Firefox web browser.


 2. Click the cog icon. Then select “Remove Extension” from the drop-down menu before confirming                  that you want to remove YouGov Pulse when the prompt appears.


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