Pulse FAQ

What is YouGov Pulse?

YouGov Pulse is a way of earning more points as a panellist. We invite our panellists to participate in the same way that we identify people for research projects. YouGov Pulse is an application you download and install onto your desktop, tablet or mobile device. The Pulse app tracks your internet, app and media player usage to give a picture of how real people use the internet. 

What types of data are collected?

YouGov Pulse is a project to help us understand how people use the internet, apps and media players.  Should you participate in YouGov Pulse, we will ask you to download an app that collects information about –

  • Your browsing activity: the browsers you use, what websites you visit (and when you visited them and for how long), and any search terms you enter into search engines.
  • Your use of apps: the apps you use, when you use them and for how long.
  • Your use of media players: which media players you use, and what you watch (and when, and for how long).
  • The ads you are exposed to when you browse websites and use apps.

In addition to the above, the app will also collect online identifiers, such as your IP address, and information about the devices and operating systems you use.

We do not collect any data that you input into secure forms whilst browsing (such as usernames, passwords or online transactions). 

How do you use the information?

We use the information collected by YouGov Pulse in the same way that we use your responses to the surveys you complete – to provide insights to our clients, and specifically about how people use the internet, apps and media players.

Do you share YouGov Pulse data with your clients?

Unless you give your consent for us to share information in an identifiable form (for which you’ll be specifically asked to give), we will only share your YouGov Pulse data in an anonymous form with our clients.  This means that they will not be able to identify you from the information they receive from us.

How many points do I receive for participating in YouGov Pulse?

The points you can earn with YouGov Pulse varies on the amount of devices and your location but you will be told exactly how many points you will earn when you sign up to Pulse. To earn your points YouGov Pulse must be installed and actively used on the device (actively used = use the internet on that device and keep the app running in the background). Points will be granted by the 7th of the following month.

Downloading and installing YouGov Pulse

How do I install the YouGov Pulse App?

Please refer to the installation manual for your device (see below). Please note that it's important to closely follow the manual to properly install the YouGov Pulse App.

How do I install the YouGov Pulse extension or add-on for my browser?

Please refer to the installation manual for Windows see below. 

I can't find the App in the Google Play Store.

Please use the installation link provided in the initial email sent by YouGov after you have joined YouGov Pulse. This will ensure an easy and smooth installation. If you can't find your individual installation link, please get in contact with us here.

I have installed YouGov Pulse, what now?

Once you have successfully installed YouGov Pulse, it will work by running in the background while you use the internet as normal. You do not take any additional steps to participate, other than using your device as you are used to!

Using YouGov Pulse

Do I need to leave my phone / tablet / computer on?

You should leave the app running in the background on your devices. Please do not stop the app when viewing your running applications list.

How will I know if the app on my phone / tablet / computer is working?

  • On Android phones, you will see a small application icon in the notification area of the screen, which indicates the application is running
  • On Windows computers, you will see a round green icon in the system tray
  • For Apple/Mac computers, if you leave the App running after install, it will run in the background

If you do not see the App running by either of these methods, re-open the App and keep it running in the background. 

How will I know if the VPN is working?

On an iPhone, you will see a small rectangle with the text ‘VPN’ at the top of the screen when using the internet. If you don’t see this, try locking and unlocking your phone and drag the notification bar down to see the full list of icons.
On an Android phone, you will see an icon within the notification bar of the device after you have accepted the credentials as being trusted.
Laptops/computers do not need the VPN to run so you will not be prompted to install one.

Some of my apps don’t work when I have the VPN connected.

If you experience this, please contact us and let us know which Apps are affected. We are continually monitoring our VPN, so your feedback will be a great help in improving everyone’s experience.

How do I check the version of Android on my phone?

  1. Start from your home screen 
  2. Tap Menu
  3. Tap Settings (or find settings in your app drawer/dock)
  4. Tap About Phone (scroll all the way down, it’s the last option).

We currently support Android versions 5 and above.

What if I change my device during the study?

If you purchase a new device and want to continue participating, please contact us and a download link for your new device will be provided. You can also use the link in the initial email you received after joining YouGov Pulse to install the App on your new device.

I forgot my installation link - where can I find it?

The installation link can be found in the email initially sent from YouGov after joining YouGov Pulse. If you can no longer find the email, let us know and we can provide the URL again. This link will not expire.

I can't remember the PIN.

The YouGov Pulse App does not require a PIN or password.

During the installation of the app, a VPN (virtual private network) is set up on your device. For security reasons, a PIN is required to lock your screen when your device is in use. This is a requirement by Android. If you have not set up a display lock PIN before, you are being asked to provide a PIN. This is not your SIM PIN (e.g. the PIN used to unlock your SIM card, usually provided by your mobile phone operator, and only required after you turn on your phone).

I receive a notification that I need to re-open the YouGov Pulse app.

To ensure you are credited your points for being part of the YouGov Pulse project, please make sure to always run the YouGov Pulse app in the background. To remind you that the app stays open at all times, you receive a notification after you have accidentally closed the app or haven't opened in for some time. Please just re-open the app and the notification will disappear.

Where can I check what devices are active?

To receive your points, you need to keep the YouGov Pulse app running in the background, and also actively used the device. To check whether the connection to YouGov is established, please click/tap on "Information" on the App's main menu. The "Last upload" data should be within the last couple of hours, if your device is currently connected. Please make sure that the VPN is running on your device (see #16 for details).

Perform this check on all devices you have installed the App on and that you are actively using.

Will the App or the VPN use my data allowance?

The application will send a tiny amount of data each day over the internet, so you won’t notice an impact on your data allowance.

Although this is only a small amount, we recommend you have a data plan on your phone, or connect to WiFi whenever possible, or your network provider may charge you.

If you check your data allowance on your phone, you may see data being used by the VPN. The app utilizes a VPN (Virtual Private Network) for us to be able to see which Apps are being used while you are a member of YouGov Pulse. When apps are used, and the VPN is enabled, the data usage is attributed to the YouGov Pulse App / VPN instead of the App actually in use. The VPN is not actually using any data, it is the app in use that is generating this data.
Take the following example:

  1. You install the YouGov Pulse App and VPN
  2. You then use your device to watch 2GB of videos on YouTube
  3. If you then look at the data usage stats, the 2GB data will show as being generated by the VPN and not the app that originally generated the request (in this case, YouTube)

Will the application impact battery life?

The app can have a small effect on your battery life but should not drain your battery. You can check your battery usage in your settings:

  • On Android go to Settings > Battery (on some devices go to Settings > Device/Power > Battery)

Can I use YouGov Pulse on another device?

Your installation link will be emailed to you once you have completed the invitation survey. This link is unique for and you will be able to use this link to install YouGov Pulse on a maximum of 3 devices in total. If you can no longer locate your unique installation link, please contact our Support team.

How do I pause the app?

You can pause the app for a short period of time on Android, iOS, Windows and Mac devices without it affecting your participation and points. The app will stop collecting data when it is paused.

For Windows/Mac:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Find the “Privacy Mode” option
  3. Select a time period (between 15 minutes to 180 minutes)
  4. Click the “Turn On” button

For Android:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Find the “Privacy Mode” option
  3. Tap the “Turn On” button
  4. Select a time period (between 15 minutes to 180 minutes)

Tap the “Set” button 

Opting out of YouGov Pulse

Can I opt-out of YouGov Pulse?

Yes. You can pause the app for a short period of time without it affecting your participation in YouGov Pulse.

If you would like to opt-out of YouGov Pulse completely, you will need to uninstall the app.

You’ll find instructions for both pausing and uninstalling below, and can contact your.rights@yougov.com if you would like us to delete your data.

How do I uninstall the app?

Please refer to the uninstallation manual for your device:



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