YouGov Pulse browser extension and app update

We are updating YouGov Pulse. This article will take you through the two steps that need to be completed to ensure that it has been updated. We’ll cover: 

  1. Re-enabling browser extension
    •Chrome Browser on OSX (Mac)
    •Chrome browser on Windows
    •Firefox Browser (Windows and OSX)
  2. YouGov Pulse update

Step 1:

Before updating YouGov Pulse app to the latest version, you will first need to re-enable your browser extension. Here is a step-by-step guide based on your operating system.

Chrome Browser on OSX (Mac)

  1. Open Chrome browser
  2. An error will be seen in the top right-hand corner of the browser


    3. Click on this error to open a drop-down menu.
    4. You will see a message that Reality Mine app is disabled.
    5. Click on this banner and a pop-up will open.



    6. Accept permissions to complete your browser update.

Chrome Browser on Windows

  1. When opening Chrome, you will receive a notification informing you that “Reality Mine” is disabled.
  2. Please click on Accept permissions to complete your update.
  3. If you have dismissed this notification before, click the error message in the top right corner of your browser page to access the drop-down menu that will allow you to enable Reality Mine.


    4. Click to accept this to accept permission.

Firefox Browser (Windows and OSX)

  1. When opening Firefox, you will be prompted by a pop-up to the left of the address bar by Reality Mine.


    2. Please click the ‘update’ button to continue participation.

Regardless of your browser, you can go to the following link to manually install the new extension:

Step 2:

Next, you will need to uninstall the existing YouGov Pulse app. This can be done by either of the following methods:


  1. Manually uninstall YouGov Pulse version 2 by opening Settings -> Apps and locating the YouGov Pulse app in the list, then click the Uninstall button.
  2. Download YouGov Pulse version 2.1.2 app using your unique link provided in the email sent to you.

If you have not uninstalled the version 2 app, you will see the below screen in the new app.






  • You can check whether you are on version 2 or 2.1.2 of the app by clicking on the ‘About’ section in the in-app menu.



  1. Manually uninstall YouGov Pulse version 2 by opening Settings -> Apps and locating the YouGov Pulse app in the list, then click the Uninstall button.
  2. Download YouGov Pulse version app using your unique link provided in the email sent to you.

    If you have not uninstalled the version 2 app, you will see the below screen in the new app.



  • You can check whether you are on version 2 or 2.1.2 of the app by clicking on the ‘About’ section in the in-app menu.


If you have questions or require further help, please contact support team.

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